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Me 2 dab confi guration to defi ne the absolute conformation of the HT forms in solu-
tion for the fi rst time. 78
The 2,2
-bipiperidine ligand (bip) is analogous to Me 2 dab, but is much more
sterically rigid. This rigidity has two components: fi rst, the chelate ring is part of a
three-ring system, decreasing its fl uxional character with respect to the Me 2 dab
ligand; second, the CH groups projecting toward the G coordination sites are
unable to rotate away from the G bases during G base rotation around the Pt-N7
bond. The bip ligand was able to decrease the dynamic motion roughly one billion
times relative to (NH 3 ) 2 and ca. 100 times relative to Me 2 dab in cis - A 2 PtG 2
complexes. 76 - 78,101,104,106,113
Most of our work involved the C 2 - symmetrical isomers of Me 2 dab and bip, in
which the chiral N, C, C and N centres in the chelate-ring had either S,R,R,S or
R,S,S,R confi gurations.
5.1.5 Retro Models with Untethered Guanine Bases
The use of Me 2 dab and bip ligands allowed the simultaneous observation by 1 H
NMR spectroscopy of all possible conformers (two HT and one HH conformer,
Figure 5.6) that can be formed in cis - A 2 PtG 2 complexes with a C 2 - symmetrical
carrier ligand. Moreover, the conformers were present at equilibrium in different
amounts depending upon the chiralities of the carrier ligands; thus these ligands
were named chirality-controlling chelates (CCC). The relative amounts were the
same for bip and Me 2 dab compounds with a given chirality and they differ only in
Figure 5.6 H8 region of the 1 H NMR spectrum for ( R , S , S , R )-Me 2 dab-Pt(5
-GMP) 2 (Ref. 53
for related work)
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