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Figure 4.36 Metallomacrocyclic quartets linking chiral chains of [Ag(
to afford the resulting 3D coordination polymer
novel photoactive materials. 44 More recently, Verma has published fi ve new com-
pounds of the same family based on silver, modifi ed adenine moieties and counte-
rions: 9 - allyladenine - silver perchlorate, 9 - allyladenine - silver tetrafl uoroborate,
9 - allyl - 6 - chloropurine - silver nitrate, 9 - propyladenine - silver nitrate and 9 - propyl - 6 -
chloropurine - silver nitrate. 45
4.4 Overview of Metal Coordination Sites and Base- Base
Hydrogen Bonding
In this section, instead of a detailed discussion on selected examples, we provide a
brief summary of the supramolecules that have been formed exclusively through
coordinate bond formation involving the nucleobases and, secondly, supramolecules
which self-assembly through H-bonding among the nucleobases acting as ligands to
metal centres. Therefore, this section will provide a general overview of the current
situation in this fi eld without going into specifi c details of structures and
More than 600 metal-nucleobase complexes have been reported to date. This
is suffi cient for a statistically signifi cant study of the diverse metal binding patterns,
assemblages of hydrogen bonding, and, in particular, self-pairing of the existing
metal-nucleobase complexes. This study was performed via the Cambridge Crystal-
lographic Data Base . 46
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