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ions to compete with Na + ions for coordination within the G-quadruplex d[(G 4 T 4 G 4 ) 2 ]
has been verifi ed by solution-state 1 H NMR. 128 Differences in resonance peak line
widths for the three Tl + resonances suggests that ions move from one cation binding
site to the other. The central peak was narrower, which was attributed to the slower
exchange of the Tl + ion at the middle coordination site. The outside Tl + ions exchange
with bulk solution more freely. The lifetime of Tl + ions bound within the G-
quadruplex was estimated to be at least 3 m s. 127
One of the fi rst NMR studies to determine the number of cations bound within
a G-quadruplex in the solution state was performed using the sequence d(G 3 T 4 G 3 ). 168
In the presence of either NaCl or KCl, d(G 3 T 4 G 3 ) forms a bimolecular fold-back
structure (Figure 3.6d). 238,240 1 H NMR spectroscopy was used to follow the competi-
tion between Na + and K + ions for coordination sites within the G-quadruplex. 168
Changes in 1 H NMR spectra during these titration experiments indicated a gradual
transition of d[(G 3 T 4 G 3 ) 2 ] from the G-quadruplex structure observed in the pres-
ence of only NaCl to the G-quadruplex structure observed in presence of only KCl.
Although the Na + and K + forms of d[(G 3 T 4 G 3 ) 2 ] have the same molecular folds,
there are relatively small structural differences between the two forms that are
manifested by changes in 1 H chemical shifts. No separate or additional 1 H reso-
nances were observed in samples of d[(G 3 T 4 G 3 ) 2 ] that contained various mixtures
of NaCl and KCl, which demonstrated that the exchange rate of Na + and K + forms
of this quadruplex at 25 °C is fast on the NMR timescale (ca.
10 ms). 1 H chemical
shift changes observed over the course of KCl titration into a sample of d[(G 3 T 4 G 3 ) 2 ]
were fi t perfectly by a model in which two Na + ions are replaced by two K + ions
within the G-quadruplex. Furthermore, quantitative analysis of chemical shift
changes during the same titration experiments 168 gave important insights regarding
the thermodynamic basis for the preferential coordination of K + over Na + by
G - quadruplexes (see below).
d[G 4 (T 4 G 4 ) 3 ] has been folded into a monomolecular G-quadruplex in the pres-
ence of 15 NH 4 + ions (Figure 3.2 c). 164,255 Topology of the folded structure is equivalent
to the solution-state structure in the presence of Na + ions determined earlier in the
laboratories of Patel 256 and Feigon. 257 The 15 NH 4 + ion binding sites within the
d[G 4 (T 4 G 4 ) 3 ] G - quadruplex were identifi ed and assigned with the use of 2D 1 H - 15 N
HSQC and NOESY spectra. 164 The 3D structure of this monomolecular G-
quadruplex consists of four G-quartets with alternating parallel and antiparallel
strands (Figure 3.2c). 256,257 The conformation of guanines along the strands alternates
between syn and anti . One of the T 4 loops spans diagonally across the outer G-
quartet, while the two T 4 loops are in an edge-wise conformation. Three 15 NH 4 + ion
binding sites were established within the interior of d[G 4 (T 4 G 4 ) 3 ]. 164 There was no
indication of 15 NH 4 + ions residing at the loop binding sites. The volumes of HSQC
cross-peaks corresponding to the three binding sites were not the same. The outer
site (named O 1 ), which is closer to the outer G-quartet spanned by the diagonal
loop showed the highest occupancy. The inner binding site, I, and the other outer
site, O 2 , demonstrated comparable occupancies at 130 mM 15 NH 4 Cl. 164 Quantitative
analysis afforded the equilibrium binding constants of 93, 31 and 46 M − 1 for O 1 , I
and O 2 binding sites. 255 The binding site I which is in the core of d[G 4 (T 4 G 4 ) 3 ] exhibits
the lowest affi nity for 15 NH 4 + ions. The binding site O 1 exhibits a three times higher
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