Geoscience Reference
In-Depth Information
A2 Climate BAU
A2 Climate PT
A2 Climate DG
Total MCA score
B2 Climate BAU
B2 Climate PT
B2 Climate DG
Figure 11.6 DSS outputs for Current, Business as Usual, Policy Targets and Deep Green
scenarios under IPCC A2 and B2 climate scenarios at 2050. Maps are coloured according
to categorized total MCA scores for each sub-catchment and management/climate
combination. A higher score indicates a greater preference of decision makers for
that option.
The uncertainty inherent in making policy and management decisions about
natural ecosystems presents challenges to both decision makers and to scientists.
This uncertainty is set to increase as the consequences of climate change become
apparent, making it more imperative than ever that new knowledge gained from
research helps to inform policy and decision making. One of the key challenges
for scientists is to translate their research into forms that make it useful for decision
makers. This will require the development of tools for decision makers, and so
these should be high-priority outputs from research projects and programmes. A
range of science-based tools that can be applied to managing freshwater ecosystems
under climate change already exist, some examples of which are presented
here. However, because of their complexity, not all of the available tools are
suitable for practical application by decision makers themselves and require
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