Biology Reference
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population size equaling 26,214,400 individuals. Preserves of this size will
commonly be used throughout this topic. Individuals dispersed beyond the
lines defi ned by the four corners above die immediately and are removed
from further analyses.
NEWGARDEN permits the construction of more complicated preserve
systems. As a simple example, the following statements establish a two-
preserve system, the preserves being connected by a central corridor. The
input statements are:
<Region XL=“-4960” XH=“6303” YH=“2559” YL=“-2560”>
<Rectangle XL=“-4960” YL=“-2560” XH=“159” YH=“2559”/>
<Rectangle XL=“159” YL=“-512” XH=“1183” YH=“511”/>
<Rectangle XL=“1183” YL=“-2560” XH=“6303” YH=“2559”/>
The fi rst rectangle statement establishes a preserve as just described above,
the second rectangle statement describes the connecting corridor, and the
third rectangle statement delimits the right hand, or second, preserve. The
second preserve is exactly the same size as the fi rst but is shifted to the
right with the contiguous corridor intervening. Note that the corridor is
1024 average density grid units high by 1024 units long and is positioned
in the vertical center of both preserves. Since each preserve is 5120 units
on a side, the corridor is 20% as high by 20% as long. In Chapter 17, on
corridors, this type of corridor is called a “20% corridor”. The above
rectangle statements establish the preserve-corridor-preserve system, and
individuals can establish at any one of the points bordered by that system
(including the border points). Individuals dispersed outside that system
die immediately.
Summary Regions
NEWGARDEN automatically reports output data for the entire grid system
defi ned by the Region statements, in which the entire corridor system is
embedded, as described in the previous section. These output data are
denoted as reported for region “0” and will report the results for the entire
preserve system, including corridors. For example, the data reported for
region 0 in the last example cited in the previous section would include
information from the left preserve, the right preserve, and the connecting
corridor. However, the Region statements just described can be followed
by Summary Regions statements, which allow the user to establish those
subregions for which NEWGARDEN will also provide output. For example,
a user may be interested just in what happens in a 20% corridor and not in
what happens in the either the left or right preserve. Consider the following
Summary Regions statements:
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