Biology Reference
In-Depth Information
Annuals: Basic Trial
The basic trial for comparison to other trials is designated as C. Features
of trial C:
Source population: 30 loci, each with 100 different alleles, each allele with
frequency of 0.01.
<Dioecious value=“false”/>
<functionpoint x=“0” y=“1.6”/>
<Offspring_Distribution method=“poisson”/>
Plants are annuals:
<functionpoint x=“0” y=“1”/>
<Selfi ng_Rate value=“0.0”/>
<RandomMating value=“false”/>
Offspring dispersal distance schedule from carpellate plant:
<functionpoint x=“0” y=“0”/>
<functionpoint x=“10” y=“0.35”/> 35% distributed from 1-10 units
<functionpoint x=“25” y=“0.7”/> 35% distributed from 11-25 units
<functionpoint x=“55” y=“0.95”/> 25% distributed from 26-55 units
<functionpoint x=“701” y=“1”/>
5% distributed from 56-701 units
<pollenframe low=“0” high=“10” prob=“0.35”/>
<pollenframe low=“11” high=“25” prob=“0.35”/>
<pollenframe low=“26” high=“55” prob=“0.25”/>
<pollenframe low=“56” high=“701” prob=“0.05”/>
<pollenframe low=“702” high=“Inf” prob=“0.0”/>
NEWGARDEN can be used to design preserve systems that are more
complex than the simple squares used previously. For example, note the
following preserve specifi cations: Left and right preserves are each a square
with 5,120 units to a side. The corridor has a height and length equal to
20% of a preserve side measure of 5,120 units (1,024 units). This is called
a “20% corridor”.
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