Biology Reference
In-Depth Information
<functionpoint x=“25” y=“0.95”/>
<functionpoint x=“75” y=“1.2”/>
<functionpoint x=“400” y=“0.85”/>
<functionpoint x=“600” y=“0.005”/>
Age-specifi c mortality rates (x = year; y = percentage dying):
<functionpoint x=“0” y=“0.3”/>
<functionpoint x=“1” y=“0.2”/>
<functionpoint x=“4” y=“0.1”/>
<functionpoint x=“7” y=“0.05”/>
<functionpoint x=“10” y=“0.02”/>
<functionpoint x=“400” y=“0.01”/>
<functionpoint x=“600” y=“1”/>
<Offspring_Distribution method=“poisson”/>
Offspring dispersal distance schedule (x = maximum distance for a
particular distance class; y = cumulative proportion for each successive
distance class)
<functionpoint x=“0” y=“0”/>
<functionpoint x=“6” y=“0.25”/>
<functionpoint x=“13” y=“0.5”/>
<functionpoint x=“22” y=“0.75”/>
<functionpoint x=“301” y=“1”/>
Distance of pollen source from maternal parent classes (low and high values
establish the grid point limit distances, from a selected maternal tree, that
defi ne the “frame” from within which a pollen donor will be selected; prob
= the probability that the pollen donor will be selected from the indicated
<pollenframe low=“0” high=“5” prob=“0.25”/>
<pollenframe low=“6” high=“12” prob=“0.25”/>
<pollenframe low=“13” high=“21” prob=“0.25”/>
<pollenframe low=“22” high=“300” prob=“0.25”/>
<pollenframe low=“301” high=“Inf” prob=“0”/>
The preserve grid is a square with 5,120 grid points on a side (there are
26,214,400 potential establishment grid points in the preserve).
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