Biology Reference
In-Depth Information
<functionpoint x=“10” y=“0.02”/>
<functionpoint x=“45” y=“0.02”/>
<functionpoint x=“60” y=“1”/>
<Selfi ng_Rate value=“0”/>
<RandomMating value=“false”/>
<Offspring_Distribution method=“poisson”/>
There are four “frames” of distances to which offspring are dispersed from
a maternal individual: 0-6, 7-13, 14-22, and 23-301 grid units. Of all the
offspring produced in any round of mating, 25% of the propagules, chosen
at random, will go to each frame.
<functionpoint x=“0” y=“0”/>
<functionpoint x=“6” y=“0.25”/>
<functionpoint x=“13” y=“0.5”/>
<functionpoint x=“22” y=“0.75”/>
<functionpoint x=“301” y=“1”/>
Microgamete dispersal: As with offspring dispersal, there are four different
distance frames for seeking individuals eligible to act as the pollen donor
for a given mating. Each frame begins one grid point beyond where the
previous frame terminates. For example, in the EasyPollen input give below,
the fi rst frame runs from 0 to 5 grid points from a pollen receiving female
in the x and y directions, the second includes the region from 6 to 12 grid
points from the target pistillate individual, etc. The probability of seeking
a donor within a given frame is 25% for each of the four frames.
<pollenframe low=“0” high=“6” prob=“0.25”/>
<pollenframe low=“7” high=“13” prob=“0.25”/>
<pollenframe low=“14” high=“22” prob=“0.25”/>
<pollenframe low=“23” high=“301” prob=“0.25”/>
<pollenframe low=“302” high=“Inf” prob=“0.0”/>
Preserve description:
<Region XL=“-2560” XH=“2559” YH=“2559” YL=“-2560”>
<Number_Generations value=“65”/>
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