Biology Reference
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20 units from the center and offset diagonally towards one of the four
preserve corners.
The fi rst four trials to be compared had conditions identical to those
described above except specifi cally as follows.
In trial N, offspring and pollen dispersal maximum dispersal distance
were equal, both being 5 grid units. The parameter statements for these
specifi cations are:
<functionpoint x=“0” y=“0”/>
<functionpoint x=“6” y=“1”/>
<pollenframe low=“0” high=“5” prob=“1.0”/>
<pollenframe low=“6” high=“Inf” prob=“0.0”/>
Unlike trial N just above, in which there is only one zone or frame of both
offspring and pollen dispersal, for trials a, b, and c, there are four frames,
each with a different probability. Across the trials a, b, and c, offspring and
pollen dispersal distance frames are the same, all with four zones:
zone 1: 0-5 grid units;
zone 2: 6-12 units;
zone 3: 13-21 units; and
zone 4: 22-300 grid units.
There is no dispersal beyond zone 4.
However, trials a, b, and c differ in the probabilities of offspring or
pollen dispersal to each zone as follows.
In trial a, the four different zones of dispersal distance described above
are used, with the percentage of offspring or pollen dispersed within each
zone as follows:
zone 1: 0-5 grid units: 60% dispersal;
zone 2: 6-12 units: 30% dispersal;
zone 3: 13-21 units: 7% dispersal; and
zone 4: 22-300 grid units: 3% dispersal
There is no dispersal beyond zone 4.
The input code for the above trial a conventions is as follows:
<functionpoint x=“0” y=“0”/>
<functionpoint x=“6” y=“0.6”/>
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