Biology Reference
In-Depth Information
All individuals within pollen dispersal distance (distance given below)
have an equal chance of contributing pollen.
Individuals are annuals (100% mortality after 1 year with reproduction).
Selfi ng rate is 0 (the species is self-incompatible: Random Mating value =
All fruit dispersal is from 0 to 5 grid units (within the nearest 121 grid
All pollen donors are within 0 to 5 grid units (within the nearest 121 grid
The grid region includes 6,553,600 usable grid points with the lower left
border corner at (0,0) and the upper right corner at (2559,2559).
The population develops through 19 generations.
Trial results reported are the mean or standard deviation values for 30
replicate runs using these identical input trial conditions.
The source population was in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium with no
inbreeding (F = 0).
Twenty founders are placed in two adjacent lines of 10 each with closest
spacing (one starting at 0,0, the other at 0,1), in either of the following two
1) Individuals placed in two horizontal lines, the lower line running along
the lower x-axis border (in the graphs, results for this condition indicated
with an “l”):
<Plant age=“0” X=“0” Y=“0” femaleP =“false”/>
<Plant age=“0” X=“1” Y=“0” femaleP =“true”/>
<Plant age=“0” X=“2” Y=“0” femaleP =“false”/>
<Plant age=“0” X=“3” Y=“0” femaleP =“true”/>
<Plant age=“0” X=“4” Y=“0” femaleP =“false”/>
<Plant age=“0” X=“5” Y=“0” femaleP =“true”/>
<Plant age=“0” X=“6” Y=“0” femaleP =“false”/>
<Plant age=“0” X=“7” Y=“0” femaleP =“true”/>
<Plant age=“0” X=“8” Y=“0” femaleP =“false”/>
<Plant age=“0” X=“9” Y=“0” femaleP =“true”/>
<Plant age=“0” X=“0” Y=“1” femaleP =“false”/>
<Plant age=“0” X=“1” Y=“1” femaleP =“true”/>
<Plant age=“0” X=“2” Y=“1” femaleP =“false”/>
<Plant age=“0” X=“3” Y=“1” femaleP =“true”/>
<Plant age=“0” X=“4” Y=“1” femaleP =“false”/>
<Plant age=“0” X=“5” Y=“1” femaleP =“true”/>
<Plant age=“0” X=“6” Y=“1” femaleP =“false”/>
<Plant age=“0” X=“7” Y=“1” femaleP =“true”/>
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