Agriculture Reference
In-Depth Information
Chapter 4
Soil & Plant Testing
Soil testing isn't particularly complicated, but there are some things you need to know to
do it right. Some of the simple tests we can do on our own, and the more difficult nutrient
testing we should leave to a soil lab that can do a much better job. The goal of the next two
chapters is to outline a simple process for soil and plant testing, so simple that many of the
steps can be done annually, as the real benefit of testing comes from comparing results
from year to year to see if what you're doing is working.
What exactly should we test? Ideally, we would like to have some information about the
texture and structure of our soil, the mineral content, and the health of the soil food web.
We record this in a simple garden diary. This is one of the hardest things to get gardeners to
do, but please, please, please start a garden diary. Not only can you keep track of what you
plant every year, but you can takes notes on your soil testing process and results.
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