Agriculture Reference
In-Depth Information
thing other than short grass, it probably needs to be inoculated with the right microbes to
support longer grass, or to eventually support a forest. There is little point in planting any
trees until the correct soil food web has been established.
When we put our mulch on the soil surface, particularly a wood-based mulch, we are
promoting more fungal growth. When we incorporate it into the soil, we promote more
bacterial growth. Also, if we till our gardens, we cut the fungi hyphae all to pieces, result-
ing in a bacterial-dominated soil. Trees, shrubs, perennials and strawberries prefer fungal-
dominated soil, so if we're trying to establish a shrub garden or grow trees, it makes sense
to leave the mulch on the surface. Annuals and vegetables prefer a bacterial-dominated
soil, so we may turn the organic matter into the top couple of inches.
Fungi only occupy 5-20% of the leaf surface, but it's important for them to be there to
compete with certain disease-causing organisms. They're also very good at breaking down
more complex substances in the soil, and scavenging for and holding onto minerals, espe-
cially calcium. They are the kings when it comes to building soil structure with their miles
of mycelium.
Fungi have an energy to them that you can almost feel. I gained a deeper appreciation
for them when I started growing mushrooms and eating them. Yes, many of us eat fungi,
and some fungi eat us. It's the cycle of life.
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