Agriculture Reference
In-Depth Information
everything at once. Not only that, but when you apply nutrients, they affect other nutri-
ents. If you apply a whole whack of calcitic lime, it can bounce other nutrients such as po-
tassium off the cation exchange sites.
Optional Task: Apply 50-500 pounds of rock dust, preferably paramagnetic dust, and
incorporate it into the soil or compost pile.
Optional Task: Plant a cover crop to protect and improve the soil over winter. Consider
a mixture of a legume and a grass.
One Month Before Planting
If you didn't do the soil test and follow their recommendations, spread five pounds of
calcitic lime with a broadcast spreader or by hand if that's all you have. I feel confident
recommending that without a soil test because it's rare to find a soil that wouldn't benefit
from that small amount for some energy.
After that, preferably in the morning or evening, spray Phil's Foliar (see next table).
This mixture could be allowed to sit for a few hours before spraying in order for the mi-
crobes to start breaking down the other ingredients. The amounts may be different for the
brand of each product you buy, so be sure to check the label.
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