Agriculture Reference
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Soil is paramagnetic. It isn't magnetic, but is mildly attracted by a magnet, and partially
aligns with the earth's magnetic field. Some soils are attracted more than others, and gener-
ally, the more paramagnetic your soil is, the better. This is because highly paramagnetic
soils are more energetically aligned with the earth and even the universe, and actually in-
vite energy into them.
Increased paramagnetism brings increased water retention, earthworm and microbial ac-
tion in the soil. Plants experience better nutrient utilization, seed germination, resistance to
predators, and resistance to environmental stresses. Plants are diamagnetic, which means
they're repelled by a magnet. I imagine it's a good thing, too, because it gives the soil and
plants a kind of yin-yang relationship. The energy from a highly paramagnetic soil flows
into plants, vastly improving their growth. This energy also improves microbial growth.
Many soils are relatively low on the paramagnetism scale. In these soils, it will always
be a struggle to raise healthy plants and nutrient-dense food. You can measure yours with a
PC soil meter, named after Dr. Phil Callahan, who spent decades studying paramagnetism
in soils and rocks around the world. He discovered the most productive soils are highly
paramagnetic. I've had an opportunity to play with the meter and it's fascinating, but costs
about $500, so for most home gardeners it just makes sense to assume our soil could use a
little more paramagnetism. His topic Paramagnetism is a very interesting read if you want
more information.
Moving the calcium to magnesium ratio towards ideal will increase the paramagnetism,
and soils with more organic matter and an abundant soil food web are often higher, too.
The way to increase it even more, though, is by adding paramagnetic rock, generally from
volcanic, granite or basalt sources.
If you were thinking of adding rock dust anyway, you can get both the mineral benefits
and energy benefits by using one that is paramagnetic. Most rock is paramagnetic, but you
need one that is highly paramagnetic. Even then, sometimes you get a big boost, sometimes
not, but it's worth just going ahead and trying it in a small garden. It can be somewhat diffi-
cult to find paramagnetic rock dust in some areas, but if you're growing a lot of food, it's
worth it. There are many brands on the market. Application rates are the same as for any
rock dust, generally between 50 and 500 pounds per 1,000 square feet.
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