Agriculture Reference
In-Depth Information
Sea Minerals (Ocean Water)
To me, this is the most important broad-spectrum micronutrient source available. It
provides a broader range of micronutrients than any rock dusts I've seen and the crop re-
sponse from sea minerals is often very impressive. This is probably the most important
product in this chapter.
Maynard Murray did many of the first scientific experiments with ocean water, along
with his associates and many followers. He was a medical doctor who became fascinated
when he discovered there was very little disease in many of the animals in the sea — not
much cancer, heart disease, arthritis, or anything else. In some respects, elderly whales had
the same level of health as baby whales. Ocean trout lived many times longer than lake
trout and didn't develop cancer, whereas lake trout mostly did get cancer of the liver after
only a few years.
Murray reasoned that the high nutrient content in the oceans was responsible for this,
and his subsequent research on the use of sea minerals in horticulture spanned more than
four decades. He found that plants grown with sea minerals benefited in numerous ways,
from increased yields and more nutritious food to healthier, pest-resistant and stress-toler-
ant plants. Of course, these are all related. If you're interested in his amazing research, read
more in his topic, Sea Energy Agriculture .
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