Agriculture Reference
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In addition to the colloidal type, there's reactive soft rock phosphate. There's a myth
that this type is not as good, and that it ties up calcium, but neither of these are true. In
reality, it may actually be more available to soil microbes and contain less heavy metals. I
say go with what you can get, colloidal or reactive. Either will help loosen up your soil
like a loaf of bread rising in the oven. Like calcitic lime, it's often recommended at 10-45
pounds per 1,000 square feet. I like to spread this out into at least two applications
throughout the year or add some of it to the compost.
You can get a powder form and sometimes a granular form. The best products come
from Idaho, North Carolina and Tennessee. I really like the powder, although it's a bit
tricky to spread. Pick a calm day. In the topic, The Non-Toxic Farming Handbook, Phil
Wheeler and Ron Ward advise to lay colloidal phosphate and then calcitic lime in order to
create an energy that kills surface weed seeds.
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