Agriculture Reference
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Phil's Compost Tea Recipe
4-8 cups of finished compost
6 tsp unsulfured blackstrap molasses
6 tsp liquid kelp
3 tsp liquid fish
5 gallons clean water (room temperature)
Brew up to 5 days
As I said, this generally doesn't produce a tea that gives much protection from disease or
a big boost in nutrition, unless you get into using a better air pump and doing some testing
to make sure you get all of the variables right. The main ingredient variables are water
quality and temperature, compost quality and microbe diversity, and the mix of extra mi-
crobe foods you use. The main brewer variables are the oxygen level that is maintained in
the water, the speed, size and placement of the bubbles, and the buildup of anaerobic pock-
ets. Then there's the question of how long the brewer should be left on.
It's of critical importance to clean the brewer and all of the tubing from the air bubbler
very thoroughly right after a brew is done. You don't want any biofilm residues left over, as
they promote anaerobic conditions.
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