Agriculture Reference
In-Depth Information
Rub the fungi directly on the root ball if possible, or sprinkle in the planting hole. For
seed, mix it dry with the seed before spreading. For sod, get a powder form of the fungi,
mix with water, and spray it on the soil right before you lay the sod, or even better, spray
right on the bottom of the sod rolls. You could spray it on afterwards as well and water it
down to the root zone.
While not as good, the other choice is to apply the product to existing landscapes. The
powder form is best for mixing with water to get the spores to infiltrate into the soil. For
turf, it's better to do this right after aerating so more of the spores get down to the roots.
Otherwise, it can be watered in, but will not be as effective on heavy clay or very com-
pacted soils.
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