Agriculture Reference
In-Depth Information
• Covers crops improve soil fertility, increase organic matter, control weeds and
pests, prevent erosion, send deep roots to break up compaction, conserve moisture
and increase water infiltration, attract insects and other animals, and even provide
food for humans and animals.
• They can be used seasonally or on an ongoing basis through companion planting
and polycultures.
• Legumes such as vetch and clover attract beneficial insects and partner with bac-
teria to convert gaseous nitrogen into a form plants can use, some of which makes
its way into the soil when the crop is turned in.
• Grasses such as cereal rye and annual ryegrass retain nitrogen and other nutrients
in the soil, soak up excess water, control weeds and can create a huge amount of
organic matter to enrich the soil.
• A mixture of a legume and a grass contributes the benefits of each and is best
seeded a couple of months before frost, incorporating into the top of the soil two to
three weeks before seeding in the spring.
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