Information Technology Reference
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171. Wilson, A.D.: Playanywhere: a compact interactive tabletop projection-vision system. In:
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172. Wilson, A.D.: Using a depth camera as a touch sensor. In: ACM International Conference on
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173. Wilson, A.D., Benko, H.: Combining multiple depth cameras and projectors for interactions
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174. Wimmer, R.: Grasp sensing for human-computer interaction. In: Proceedings of the fifth
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175. Wolfe, J.L.: Effects of annotations on student readers and writers. In: DL '00: Proceedings of
the fifth ACM conference on Digital libraries, pp. 19-26. ACM Press, New York, NY, USA
176. Yeh, R., Liao, C., Klemmer, S., Guimbretiere, F., Lee, B., Kakaradov, B., Stamberger, J.,
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177. Yeh, R.B., Brandt, J., Klemmer, S.R., Boli, J., Su, E., Paepcke, A.: Interactive gigapixel
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178. Yeh, R.B., Paepcke, A., Klemmer, S.R.: Iterative design and evaluation of an event archi-
tecture for pen-and-paper interfaces. In: UIST '08: Proceedings of the 21st annual ACM
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