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no support for finding a specific page within a document. Digital Paper Bookmarks
support this specific task by offering synchronized visual anchor points within both
printed and digital document representations. A specific bookmark view in the soft-
ware viewer displays a three-dimensional representation of the paper stack. It visu-
ally indicates the number of pages of the document, the current position within it
and the bookmarks associated to it (Fig. 7.4 lower left). At a single glance, the user
gets information about the approximate position of the page within the document,
about the nearest bookmark and the page distance to this bookmark. The user can
then find the paper page by recurring to its approximate position in the document
or by choosing an appropriate bookmark located near this page. Furthermore, the
bookmark panel also supports navigation within the digital document. Pages can be
displayed by clicking or tapping on the three-dimensional representation of the pa-
per sheet or on a bookmark. We decided not to integrate shared bookmarks of other
users in these visualizations, as they would loose their key property of mirroring the
bookmarks of the printed representation. This could be very confusing when using
bookmarks for cross-media navigation.
A third visualization supports collaborative structuring. Through the contrasting
of their own structure with the structure of others, with their markings of relevant
or unclear passages, learners can assess and improve their own understanding of the
material. Cognitive conflicts can arise and can lead to a modification of one's own
bookmarks. This is supported by a third, collaborative visualization which focuses
Fig. 7.4 Visualization of bookmarks (highlighted) in the CoScribe viewer (blurred)
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