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complement each other, serving different purposes and having different properties.
The choice of an appropriate technique depends both on the task and on the user's
personal preferences. We conclude by an integrated discussion of all techniques.
Table 7.1 provides an overview on the challenges which we address in this chapter.
7.1 Tangible Tagging with Stickers: Digital Paper Bookmarks
Paper bookmarks have proven to be an effective means not only for quickly access-
ing specific pages or parts of a paper document, but also for individually structuring
a document. Impressive examples are books of law students, which often contain
several dozens of bookmarks attached to the margins of the pages (Fig. 7.1 left).
As a metaphor, bookmarks also quickly became familiar in the electronic world for
marking documents on the Web. Empirical work shows that their use positively in-
fluences the perceived ease of finding information [152]. We aim at leveraging the
ease of this interaction also for structuring digital documents via their printouts.
With CoScribe, we introduce Digital Paper Bookmarks, which span both paper
and the electronic world. Digital Paper Bookmarks are adhesive stickers of different
colors which can be attached to physical pages of printed documents at arbitrary
positions (Fig. 7.1 middle and right). They are covered with the Anoto pattern and
can therefore be labeled with a title using a digital pen. They are synchronized with
the digital system and serve as digital bookmarks for these pages. Hence, Digital
Paper Bookmarks combine the advantages of intuitive paper-based bookmarking
with digital support. For example, bookmarks can be used for tagging the structure
of a document by bookmarking the beginning of each section or for marking up
important passages of a document.
Fig. 7.1 Paper stickers are a powerful means for indexing documents (left). Digital Paper Book-
marks (center and right) take on this principle and serve as physical and digital bookmarks
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