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Negligible Probability
A few words concerning the notion of negligible probability are in order. The foregoing
definition and discussion consider the success probability of an algorithm to be neg-
ligible if, as a function of the input length, the success probability is bounded above
by every polynomial fraction. It follows that repeating the algorithm polynomially (in
the input length) many times yields a new algorithm that also has negligible success
probability. In other words, events that occur with negligible (in n ) probability remain
negligible even if the experiment is repeated for polynomially (in n ) many times. Hence,
defining a negligible success rate as “occurring with probability smaller than any poly-
nomial fraction” is naturally coupled with defining feasible computation as “computed
within polynomial time.”
A “strong negation” of the notion of a negligible fraction/probability is the notion
of a noticeable fraction/probability. We say that a function
is noticeable
if there exists a polynomial p ( · ) such that for all sufficiently large n 's, it holds that
µ ( n ) >
N → R
p ( n ) . We stress that functions may be neither negligible nor noticeable.
2.2.2. Weak One-Way Functions
One-way functions, as defined earlier, are one-way in a very strong sense. Namely, any
efficient inverting algorithm has negligible success in inverting them. A much weaker
definition, presented next, requires only that all efficient inverting algorithms fail with
some noticeable probability.
Definition 2.2.2 (Weak One-Way Functions): A function f : { 0 , 1 } →{ 0 , 1 }
is called weakly one-way if the following two conditions hold:
1. Easy to compute: As in the definition of a strong one-way function.
2. Slightly hard to invert: There exists a polynomial p (
) such that for every proba-
bilistic polynomial-time algorithm A and all sufficiently large n's,
p ( n )
[ A ( f ( U n )
1 n )
f 1 ( f ( U n ))]
We call the reader's attention to the order of quantifiers: There exists a single poly-
nomial p (
p ( n ) lower-bounds the failure probability of all probabilistic
polynomial-time algorithms trying to invert f on f ( U n ).
Weak one-way functions fail to provide the kind of hardness alluded to in the earlier
motivational discussions. Still, as we shall see later, they can be converted into strong
one-way functions, which in turn do provide such hardness.
) such that 1
2.2.3. Two Useful Length Conventions
In the sequel it will be convenient to use the following two conventions regarding the
lengths of the pre-images and images of one-way functions. In the current section we
justify the use of these conventions.
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