Cryptography Reference
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r 2
mod N and invoke the root-extraction algorithm to obtain r such that
3. Set s
( r ) 2
(mod N ).
r ). If g
4. Compute g
1, then output g and halt.
In case the algorithm halts with some output, the output is a non-trivial divisors of N .
The prime factorization of N can be obtained by invoking the algorithm recursively on
each of the two non-trivial divisors of N .
Analysis. We can assume that r selected in Step 1 is relatively prime to N , or else the
GCD of r and N yields the desired divisor. Invoking the root-extraction algorithm, we
obtain r such that ( r ) 2
r 2
(mod N ). Because the root-extraction algorithm
has no information on r (beyond r 2
2 t ,wehave r ≡±
(mod N ) with probability 2
(mod N ). Otherwise, r ≡ ±
r )( r
r )
(mod N ), and still 0
( r
(mod N ).
r ) has a non-trivial GCD with N , which is found in
Step 4. Thus, with probability at least
r (resp., r
Therefore, r
2 , we obtain a non-trivial divisor of N .
A.2.3. The Legendre and Jacobi Symbols
The Legendre symbol of integer r modulo a prime P , denoted LS P ( r ), is defined as 0
if P divides r ,as
1 otherwise.
Thus, for r that is relatively prime to P , the Legendre symbol of r modulo P indicates
whether or not r is a quadratic residue.
The Jacobi symbol of residues modulo a composite N is defined based on the prime
factorization of N . Let i = 1 P e i
1 in case r is a quadratic residue modulo P , and as
denote the prime factorization of N . Then the Jacobi
symbol of r modulo N , denoted JS N ( r ), is defined as i = 1 LS P i ( r ) e i . Although the
Jacobi symbol (of r modulo N ) is defined in terms of the prime factorization of the
modulus, the Jacobi symbol can be computed efficiently without knowledge of the
factorization of the modulus . That is, there exists a polynomial-time algorithm that
given a pair ( r
N ) computes JS N ( r ). The algorithm proceeds in “GCD-like” manner 7
and utilizes the following facts regarding the Jacobi symbol:
1. JS N ( r )
JS N ( r mod N )
2. JS N ( a
b )
= JS N ( a )
· JS N ( b ), and JS N (1)
1) ( N 2
1) / 8
3. JS N (2)
(i.e., JS N (2)
1iff N
1 (mod 8))
1) ( N 1)( r 1) / 4
4. JS N ( r )
· JS r ( N ) for odd integers N and r
Note that a quadratic residue modulo N must have Jacobi symbol 1, but not all
residues of Jacobi symbol 1 are quadratic residues modulo N . (In fact, for N
= i = 1 P i ,
as in Section A.2.1, half of the residues with non-zero Jacobi symbols have Jacobi
symbol 1, but only a 2 t fraction of these residues are squares modulo N .) 8 The fact that
7 E.g., JS 21 (10) = JS 21 (2) · JS 21 (5) = ( 1) 55
· ( 1) 20
· JS 5 (21) =− JS 5 (1) =− 1. In general, Fact 2 is used
only with a =
2 (i.e.,
JS N (2
· r )
= JS N (2)
· JS N ( r )). Also, at the very beginning, one can use
JS 2 N ( r )
JS 2 ( r ) · JS N ( r ) = ( r mod 2) · JS N ( r ).
8 The elements of Z N having Jacobi symbol 1 form a subgroup of Z N . This subgroup contains exactly half of
the members of the group.
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