Cryptography Reference
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Furthermore, squaring modulo P is a 2-to-1 mapping of the group to the sub-
group. In case P
3 (mod 4), each image of this mapping has one pre-image in the
subgroup (i.e., a quadratic residue) and one pre-image that is not in the subgroup (i.e.,
a non-quadratic residue). 2
A.1.2. Extracting Square Roots Modulo a Prime
In general, extracting square roots module a prime can be done by using Berlekamp's
algorithm [28]. The latter is a randomized algorithm for factoring polynomials modulo
a prime. (Note that extracting a square root of s modulo a prime P amounts to solving
the equation x 2
(mod P ), which can be cast as the problem of factoring the
polynomial x 2
s modulo P .)
A more direct approach is possible in the special case in which the prime is congruent
to 3 (mod 4), which is the case in most cryptographic applications. In this case we
observe that for a quadratic residue s x 2
(mod P ), we have
s ( P + 1) / 4
x ( P + 1) / 2
(mod P )
x ( P 1) / 2
· x
(mod P )
≡± x
(mod P )
where in the last equality we use Fermat's little theorem, by which x ( P 1) / 2
(mod P ) for every integer x and prime P . Thus, in this special case, we obtain a square
root of s modulo P by raising s to the power
modulo P . (Note that this square root
is a quadratic residue modulo P .)
A.1.3. Primality Testers
The common approach to testing whether or not an integer is a prime is to utilize
Rabin's randomized primality tester [185], which is related to a deterministic algo-
rithm due to Miller [166]. 3 The alternative of using a somewhat different randomized
algorithm, discovered independently by Solovay and Strassen [202], seems less popular.
Here we present a third alternative, which seems less well known (and was discovered
independently by several researchers, one of them being Manuel Blum). The only
number-theoretic facts that we use are as follows:
1. For every prime P
2, each quadratic residue mod P has exactly two square roots
mod P (and they sum up to P ).
2. For every odd and non-integer-power composite number N , each quadratic residue
mod N has at least four square roots mod N .
2 This follows from the fact that
1 is a non-quadratic residue modulo such primes. In contrast, in case P
(mod 4), it holds that 1 is a quadratic residue modulo P . Thus, in case P 1 (mod 4), for each quadratic
residue the two square roots either are both quadratic residues or are both non-quadratic residues.
3 Miller's algorithm relies on the Extended Riemann Hypothesis (ERH).
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