Cryptography Reference
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1. Using a standard reduction of L 2 to L 1 , the prover reduces ( x
} + 2
p )
q ( ) . In addition, when given an
to y
-witness u for x
L, the prover
L 1 .
2. The prover invokes P on common input y, auxiliary input
reduces 26
u to a witness, denoted
, for y
, and common
reference string s, obtaining output
, which it outputs/sends.
1. Reduces ( x
p ) to y using the same standard reduction of L 2 to L 1 .
2. Invokes V on common input y, common reference string s, and prover's output
, and decides as V does.
Note that the reduction maps ( + 2 )-bit-long instances of L 2 to instances of L 1
having length q ( ). Recall that by the hypothesis, the proof system ( P , V ) handles L 1
instances of length q ( ) by using a reference string of length q ( ) = n 2 , which
exactly matches the length of s . Let ε> 0 be a constant satisfying n ε (i.e., (2 +
q ( )) ε ). Then we have the following:
Proposition 4.10.13: Let ( P
V ) be as before, and let G be a pseudorandom
generator. Furthermore, suppose that P is zero-knowledge and that when given an
-witness as auxiliary input, it can be implemented in probabilistic polynomial
time. Then Construction 4.10.12 constitutes an unboundedly zero-knowledge non-
interactive proof system for L, with fundamental constant ε . Furthermore, the
prover can be implemented by a probabilistic polynomial-time machine that gets
-witness as auxiliary input.
Proof Sketch: The completeness and efficiency claims for the new prover fol-
low immediately from the hypotheses concerning ( P
V ). The soundness con-
dition follows by observing that the probability that p is in the range of G
is at most 2 (and relying on the soundness of ( P
V )). To prove the zero-
knowledge property, we construct a simulator as follows. The simulator uni-
formly selects u ∈{ 0 , 1 } and s ∈{ 0 , 1 }
, sets p = G ( u ), and handles each
instance x
} in a sequence of L instances as follows: The simulator emu-
lates the prover's program (on input x ), except that it uses u as the
for ( x
p )
L 2 . Namely, the simulator reduces ( x
p )
L 2 to y
L 1 , along
-witness u to a witness w (for y ). Next, the simula-
tor invokes P on common input y , auxiliary in pu t
with reducing the
w , and common reference
string s . Th us, when given a sequence of instances x = ( x 1 ,..., x t ), the simulator
outputs ( x
P w ( y 1 ,
P w ( y t ,
s )), where y i is the result of applying
the reduction to ( x i , p ). Note that the efficiency of the simulator relies on the
efficient implementation of P (and on the efficiency of G ). To prove that the
simulator's output is computationally indistinguishable from the verifier's view,
( p
s )
s )
26 We again use the fact that the standard reductions are coupled with an adequate witness-reduction (see
Exercise 16).
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