Cryptography Reference
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Hence, to use the identification scheme, a user, say Alice , whose identity is en-
coded by the string α , should first uniformly select a secret string s , compute i def
= I s ( α ),
ask the trusted third party to place the record ( α, i ) in the public file, and store the string
s in a safe place. The viability condition asserts that Alice can convince Bob of her
identity by executing the identification protocol: Alice invokes the program P using
the stored string s as auxiliary input, and Bob uses the program V and makes sure that the
common input is the public record containing α (which is in the public file). Ignoring
for a moment the algorithm B and the random variable T n , the security condition
implies that it is infeasible for a party to impersonate Alice if all that this party has
is the public record of Alice and some unrelated auxiliary information (represented
by the auxiliary input z ). However, such a security condition may not suffice in many
applications, since a user wishing to impersonate Alice may ask her first to prove
her identity to him/her. The (full) security condition asserts that even if Alice has
proved her identity to Carol many times in the past, still it is infeasible for Carol to
impersonate Alice . We stress that Carol cannot impersonate Alice to Bob provided
that she cannot interact concurrently with both Alice and Bob . In case this condition
does not hold, nothing is guaranteed (and indeed Carol can easily impersonate Alice
by referring Bob 's questions to Alice and answering as Alice does). Identification Schemes and Proofs of Knowledge
A natural way to determine a person's identity is to ask him/her to supply a proof of
knowledge of a fact that the person is supposed to know. Let us consider a specific (but
in fact quite generic) example.
Construction 4.7.9 (Identification Scheme Based on a One-Way Function):
Let f be a function. On input an identity
α ∈{
n , the information-generating
algorithm uniformly selects a string s
and outputs
f ( s ) . (The pair
.) The identification proto-
col consists of a proof of knowledge of the inverse of the second element in the
public record. Namely, in order to prove its identity, user
f ( s )) is the public record for the user named
proves that it knows a
string s such that f ( s )
r ) is a record in the public file. (The proof
of knowledge in use is allowed to have negligible knowledge error.)
r , where (
Proposition 4.7.10: If f is a one-way function and the proof of knowledge in use
is zero-knowledge, then Construction 4.7.9 constitutes an identification scheme.
Hence, identification schemes exist if one-way functions exist. Practical identification
schemes can be constructed based on specific intractability assumptions. For example,
assuming the intractability of factoring, the so-called Fiat-Shamir identification scheme,
which is actually a proof of knowledge of a modular square root, follows.
Construction 4.7.11 (The Fiat-Shamir Identification Scheme, Basic Version):
On input an identity
n , the information-generating algorithm uniformly
selects a composite number N that is the product of two n-bit-long primes and
a residue s mod N , and it outputs the pair ( N , s 2
α ∈{
mod N ) . (The pair ( α, ( N , s 2
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