Cryptography Reference
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We shall use here the alternative formulation of (perfect) zero-knowledge and
show how to simulate V 's view of the interaction with P GI for every probabilistic
polynomial-time interactive machine V . As mentioned earlier, it is not hard to
simulate the verifier's view of the interaction with P GI when the verifier follows
the specified program. However, we need to simulate the view of the verifier in the
general case (in which it uses an arbitrary polynomial-time interactive program).
Following is an overview of our simulation (i.e., of our construction of a simulator
M for each V ).
The simulator M incorporates the code of the interactive program V .Onin-
put ( G 1 ,
G 2 ), the simulator M first selects at random one of the input graphs (i.e.,
either G 1 or G 2 ) and generates a random isomorphic copy, denoted G , of this
input graph. In doing so, the simulator behaves differently from P GI , but the graph
generated (i.e., G ) is distributed identically to the message sent in Step P1 of the
interactive proof. Say that the simulator has generated G by randomly permuting
G 1 .Now,if V asks to see the isomorphism between G 1 and G , then the simulator
can indeed answer correctly, and in doing so it completes a simulation of the veri-
fier's view of the interaction with P GI .However,if V asks to see the isomorphism
between G 2 and G , then the simulator (which, unlike P GI , does not “know” φ )
has no way to answer correctly, and we let it halt with output . We stress that the
simulator “has no way of knowing” whether V will ask to see an isomorphism
to G 1 or to G 2 . The point is that the simulator can try one of the possibilities at
random, and if it is lucky (which happens with probability exactly
2 ), then it can
output a distribution that will be identical to the view of V when interacting with
P GI (on common input ( G 1 ,
G 2 )). A key fact (see Claim, following) is
that the distribution of G is stochastically independent of the simulator's choice
of which of the two input graphs to use, and so V cannot affect the probability
that the simulator will be lucky. A detailed description of the simulator follows.
= ( G 1 , G 2 ), simulator M proceeds as follows:
Simulator M . On input x
1. Setting the random tape of V : Let q (
) denote a polynomial bounding the running
time of V . The simulator M starts by uniformly selecting a string r
q ( | x | )
to be used as the content of the random tape of V . (Alternatively, one could
produce coins for V “on the fly,” that is, during Step 3, which follows.)
2. Simulating the prover's first step (P1): The simulator M selects at random, with
uniform probability distribution, a “bit”
from the
set of permutations over the vertex set V τ . It then constructs a graph with vertex
set V τ and edge set
τ ∈{
and a permutation
( u )
)) : ( u
E τ } ,
and sets G def
F ).
3. Simulating the verifier's first step (V1): The simulator M initiates an execution of
V by placing x on V 's common-input tape, placing r (selected in Step 1) on V 's
random tape, and placing G (constructed in Step 2) on V 's incoming-message
tape. After executing a polynomial number of steps of V , the simulator can read
( V τ ,
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