Cryptography Reference
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polynomial-size circuits D def
= { D n } n N such that for every n,
D (n)
C (n)
D (n) def
= |
Pr [D n (X n )
Pr [D n (Y n )
C (n) def
= | Pr [C n (X n ) = 1] Pr [C n (Y n ) = 1] |
Exercise 9: Computational indistinguishability by circuits, single sample versus sev-
eral samples: Prove that X
Y n } n N are indistinguishable by
polynomial-size circuits (as per Definition 3.2.7) if and only if their m(
= {
X n } n N
and Y
= {
)-products are
indistinguishable by polynomial-size circuits, for every polynomial m(
). We stress that
X and Y need not be polynomial-time-constructible.
Guideline: A “good choice” of x 1 ,...,x k and y k + 2 ,..., y m can be “hard-wired” into the
Exercise 10: Computationalindistinguishability,circuitsversusalgorithms:
1. (Easy) Suppose that the ensembles X
Y n } n N are indistinguish-
able by polynomial-size circuits. Prove that they are computationally indistinguishable (by
probabilistic polynomial-time algorithms).
Guideline: Use Exercise 8.
2. (Hard) Show that there exist ensembles that are computationally indistinguishable (by
probabilistic polynomial-time algorithms), but are distinguishable by polynomial-size
Guideline (Part 2): Given any function f : { 0, 1 } [0, 1], prove the existence of
an ensemble X = { X n } n N such that each X n has support of size at most 2 and
yet Pr [f(X n ) = 1] = Pr [f(U n ) = 1], where U n is uniformly distributed over { 0, 1 }
= {
X n } n N
and Y
= {
n .
Generalize the argument so that given t such functions, f 1 ,..., f t : { 0, 1 } [0, 1],
each X n has support of size at most t + 1 and yet Pr [f i (X n ) = 1] = Pr [f i (U n ) = 1] for
each i = 1,...,t. (Extra hint: Consider the t-dimensional vectors (f 1 (x),..., f t (x)) for
each x ∈{ 0, 1 }
n and think of convex hulls.) A standard diagonalization argument will
finish the job. (In case you did not get it, consult [111].)
Exercise 11: Prove that the existence of a pair of polynomial-time-constructible en-
sembles that are computationally indistinguishable and are not statistically close implies
the existence of one-way functions.
Guideline: We seek a simpler proof than one presented earlier [93], where it was proved
that the hypothesis implies the existence of pseudorandom generators. Still, the main
idea of that proof should be applied: Taking sufficiently many independent copies of each
ensemble, construct two computationally indistinguishable ensembles that are “almost
disjoint” (i.e., have statistical difference at least 1 2 n ). Next, assuming for a moment
that the ensembles are disjoint (i.e., have statistical difference 1), prove the conclusion
of this exercise (by using a variant of the proof of Proposition 3.3.8). Finally, deal with
the general case by using an analogous argument in order to show that the hypoth-
esis implies the existence of a “distributionally one-way function” as in Exercise 17 of
Chapter 2.
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