Cryptography Reference
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2. Pseudorandomness: For every probabilistic polynomial-time oracle machine M ,
every polynomial p (
) , and all sufficiently large n's,
Pr M F n (1 n )
1 − Pr M H n (1 n )
1 <
p ( n )
where F n is a random variable uniformly distributed over the multi-set
f s } s ∈{ 0 , 1 }
n ,
and H n is uniformly distributed 9
among all functions mapping arbitrary long
strings to r ( n ) -bit-long strings.
A few comments regarding Definition 3.6.12 are in order. First, note that the fact that
the length of the input to f s is not known a priori raises no problems in Item 1, since
the running time of the evaluating algorithm may depend (polynomially) on the length
of the input to f s . Regarding Item 2, because M has a-priori-bounded (polynomial)
running time, that upper-bounds the length of the queries made to the oracle. The latter
fact resolves a technical problem that arises in the earlier definition (see footnote 9 ).
In typical applications, one uses r ( n )
n (or r ( n ) that is polynomially related to n ).
Another special case of interest is the case where r
1, that is, the case of pseudorandom
Boolean functions.
Similarly to Constructions 3.6.5 and 3.6.10, for any r :
such that r ( n )is
computable in poly( n ) time from n , we can construct unbounded-input pseudorandom
functions using any pseudorandom generator. Specifically:
N → N
Construction 3.6.13: Let G be a deterministic algorithm expanding inputs of
length n into strings of length 2 n + r ( n ) . We denote by G 0 ( s ) the | s | -bit-long
prefix of G ( s ) ,byG 1 ( s ) the next | s | bits in G ( s ) , and by G 2 ( s ) the r ( | s | ) -bit-long
suffix of G ( s )( i.e., G ( s ) = G 0 ( s ) G 1 ( s ) G 2 ( s )) . Then for every s ∈{ 0 , 1 }
n ,we
define a function f s : { 0 , 1 } →{ 0 , 1 }
r ( n )
such that for every non-negative integer
d and every σ 1 ,...,σ d ∈{ 0 , 1 } ,
G 2 G σ d
G σ 2 G σ 1 ( s )
σ 1 σ 2 ··· σ d ) def
f s (
Pictorially, the function f s is defined by walks down an infinite ternary tree having labels
at the vertices. Internal vertices have
labels. The root of the tree, hereafter referred to as the level-0 vertex of the tree, is labeled
by the string s . If an internal vertex is labeled s , then its leftmost child is labeled G 0 ( s ),
its middle child is labeled G 1 ( s ), and its rightmost child is labeled G 2 ( s ). The first
two children of each internal vertex are internal vertices, whereas the rightmost child
of an internal vertex is a leaf. The value of f s (
-bit-long labels, and leaves have r (
σ 1 ··· σ d ) is the string residing in the leaf
reachable from the root by “following the path
2,” when the root is labeled
by s . Again, by extending the proof of Theorem 3.6.6, we obtain the following:
σ 1 ,...,σ d ,
9 Since the running time of M is a priori bounded by some polynomial, it follows that for some polynomial
d and all n 's, it holds that, on input 1 n , machine M makes only queries of length at most d ( n ). Thus, H n can be
defined as the uniform distribution over all functions mapping strings of length up to d ( n )to r ( n )-bit-long strings.
This resolves the technical problem of what is meant by a uniform distribution over an infinite set (i.e., the set of
all functions mapping arbitrary long bit strings to r ( n )-bit-long strings).
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