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remaining stages (of Construction 3.6.5). The random variable H n is uniformly
distributed over the (2 n ) 2 k possible functions (corresponding to all possible choices
of s 1 , s 2 ,..., s 2 k
n ). Namely,
∈{ 0 , 1 }
= f U (1)
H n
,..., U (2 k )
where U ( j )
's are independent random variables, each uniformly distributed over
n .
At this point it is clear that H n is identical with F n , whereas H n is identical
to H n . Again, as is usual in the hybrid technique, the ability to distinguish the
extreme hybrids yields the ability to distinguish a pair of neighboring hybrids.
This ability is further transformed so that contradiction to the pseudorandomness
of G is reached. Further details follow.
We assume, in contradiction to the theorem, that the function ensemble F is
not pseudorandom. It follows that there exists a probabilistic polynomial-time
oracle machine M and a polynomial p (
) such that for infinitely many n 's,
= Pr
M H n (1 n ) = 1 >
M F n (1 n ) = 1 Pr
p ( n )
( n ) def
Let t (
) be a polynomial bounding the running time of M (1 n ) (such a polynomial
exists because M is a polynomial-time machine). It follows that on input 1 n , the
oracle machine M makes at most t ( n ) queries (since the number of queries is
clearly bounded by the running time). Using the machine M , we construct an
algorithm D that distinguishes the t (
)-product of the ensemble
G ( U n )
} n ∈N from
the t ( · )-product of the ensemble { U 2 n } n ∈N as follows.
2 n
Algorithm D : On input
t ( n )), algorithm D pro-
ceeds as follows. First, D selects uniformly k ∈{ 0 , 1 ,..., n 1 } . This random
choice, hereafter called the checkpoint , is the only random choice made by D it-
self. Next, algorithm D invokes the oracle machine M (on input 1 n ) and answers
M 's queries as follows. The first query of machine M , denoted q 1 , is answered by
G σ n ··· G σ k + 2 P σ k + 1 ( α 1 ) ···
α 1 ,...,α t ∈{
(with t
where q 1 = σ 1 ··· σ n ,( α 1 is the first input string) and P 0 ( α ) (resp., P 1 ( α )) denotes
the n -bit prefix of α (resp., the n -bit suffix of α ). In addition, algorithm D records
this query (i.e., q 1 ). Each subsequent query is answered by first checking to see
if its k -bit-long prefix equals the k -bit-long prefix of a previous query. In case the
k -bit-long prefix of the current query, denoted q i , is different from the k -bit-long
prefixes of all previous queries, we associate this prefix with a new input string
α i ). Namely, we answer query q i by
G σ n ··· G σ k + 2 P σ k + 1 (
α i ) ···
where q i = σ 1 ··· σ n . In addition, algorithm D records the current query (i.e.,
q i ). The other possibility is that the k -bit-long prefix of the i th query equals the
k -bit-long prefix of some previous query. Let j be the smallest integer such that
the k -bit-long prefix of the i th query equals the k -bit-long prefix of the j th query
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