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applying f to U n will yield a great loss in “entropy” that cannot be compensated by
using the foregoing m ethods. For example, if f ( x , y ) def
= f ( x )0 | y | for | x |=| y | then
2 | α | 2 for some
's. In this case, achieving uniform distribution from
f ( U n ) requires shrinking it to length approximately n
[ f ( U n )
= α
2. In general, we cannot com-
pensate for these lost bits (using the foregoing methods), because f may not have a
hard-core with such a huge range (i.e., a hard-core g satisfying
| > | α |
g (
). Hence,
in this case, a new idea is needed and indeed is presented next.
The idea is that in case f maps different pre-images into the same image y ,we
can augment y by the index of the pre-image in the set f 1 ( y ), without damaging
the hardness-to-invert of f . Namely, we define F ( x ) def
f ( x )
idx f ( x ), where idx f ( x )
x : f ( x )
denotes the index (say by lexicographic order) of x in the set
claim that inverting F is not substantially easier than inverting f . This claim can be
proved by a reducibility argument. Given an algorithm for inverting F , we can invert f
as follows. On input y (supposedly in the range of f ( U n )), we first select m uniformly
in { 1 ,..., n } , next select i uniformly in { 1 ,..., 2 m
f ( x )
} , and finally try to invert F on ( y , i ).
When analyzing this algorithm, consider the case i = log 2 | f 1 ( y ) | .
The suggested function F does preserve the hardness-to-invert of f . The problem is
that F does not preserve the easy-to-compute property of f . In particular, for general
f , it is not clear how to compute idx f ( x ); the best we can say is that this task can be
performed in exponential time (and polynomial space ). Again, hashing functions come
to the rescue. Suppose, for example, that f is 2 m -to-1 on strings of length n . Then we can
let idx f ( x ) = ( H n , H n ( x )), obtaining “probabilistic indexing” of the set of pre-images.
We stress that applying this idea requires having a good estimate for the size of the set of
pre-images (of a given image). That is, given x , it should be easy to compute
| f 1 ( f ( x ))
A simple case where such an estimate is handy is the case of regular functions.
Definition 3.5.7 (Regular Functions): A function f :
} →{
} is called
regular if there exists an integer function m :
such that for all sufficiently
long x
} , it holds that
2 m ( | x | )
|{ y : f ( x )
= f ( y )
∧| x |=| y |}| =
For simplicity, the reader can further assume that there exists an algorithm that on input
n computes m ( n ) in poly( n ) time. As we shall see at the end of this subsection, one can
do without this assumption. For the sake of simplicity (of notation), we assume in the
sequel that if f ( x )
f ( y ), then
Construction 3.5.8: Let f :
} →{
} be a regular function, with m (
log 2 |
f 1 ( f ( x ))
for some integer function m (
) . Let l :
be an integer func-
tion, and S m ( n ) l ( n )
a hashing family. For every x
and h
S m ( n ) l ( n )
h ) def
F ( x
( f ( x )
h ( x )
h )
If f can be computed in polynomial time and m ( n ) can be computed from n in poly( n )
time, then F can be computed in polynomial time. We now show that if f is a regular
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