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H n l ( n )
p ( n )
U l ( n ) + 1 n ∈N
H n l ( n )
p ( n )
( f ( U n ))
are polynomial-time-indistinguishable.
Proof Idea: Use a reducibility argument. If the claim does not hold, then con-
tradiction of the hypothesis that g is a hard-core of f is derived. Specifically,
given an algorithm D that violates the claim, we construct an algorithm D that,
on input ( y , z ), uniformly selects h S n l ( n )
p ( n ) and outputs D ( h ( y ) , h , z ). Then D
distinguishes between { ( f ( U n ) , g ( U n )) } n ∈N and { ( f ( U n ) , U l ( n ) + 1 ) } n ∈N .
Claim The statistical difference between the random variables
H n l ( n )
, U l ( n ) + 1
( f ( U n )) , H n l ( n )
p ( n )
p ( n )
U n l ( n ) , H n l ( n )
, U l ( n ) + 1
p ( n )
is bounded by 2
2 l ( n ) / 3 .
Proof Idea: Use the hypothesis that S n l ( n )
p ( n ) is a hashing family, and apply
Lemma 3.5.1. Specifically, use δ = 2 l ( n ) / 3 , note that
[ f ( U n ) = y ] 2 n for
every y , and count separately the contributions of bad and non-bad h 's to the
statistical difference between ( H n l ( n )
, H n l ( n )
) and ( U n l ( n ) , H n l ( n )
( f ( U n ))
p ( n )
p ( n )
p ( n )
Because the statistical difference is a bound on the ability of algorithms to dis-
tinguish, the proposition follows.
Extension. Proposition 3.5.3 can be extended to the case in which the function f is
polynomial-to-1 (instead of 1-to-1). Specifically, let f satisfy | f 1 ( f ( x )) | < q ( | x | ) for
some polynomial q ( · ) and all sufficiently long x 's. The modified proposition asserts
that for every probabilistic polynomial-time algorithm A, every polynomial p ( · ) , and
all sufficiently large n's,
p ( n )
l ( n )
log 2 q ( n )
| Pr
[ A ( G ( U n ,
U k ))
[ A ( U n + k + 1 )
| <
where k is as in Proposition 3.5.3 . Obtaining Pseudorandom Generators
With Proposition 3.5.3 proved, we consider the possibility of applying it in order to con-
struct pseudorandom generators. We stress that applying Proposition 3.5.3 with length
function l (
By Theorem 2.5.6 (in Section 2.5.3), such hard-core functions exist essentially for all
one-way functions, provided that l (
) requires having a hard-core function g for f , with
g ( x )
l (
) is logarithmic. (Actually, Theorem 2.5.6 asserts
that such hard-cores exist for a modification of any one-way function, where the mod-
ified function preserves the 1-1 property of the original function.) Hence, combining
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