Cryptography Reference
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3.2.2. Relation to Statistical Closeness
Computational indistinguishability is a coarsening of a traditional notion from proba-
bility theory. We call two ensembles X
={ X n } n ∈N and Y def
={ Y n } n ∈N statistically close
if their statistical difference is negligible, where the statistical difference (also known
as variation distance ) between X and Y is defined as the function
2 ·
( n ) def
| Pr
[ X n = α
[ Y n = α
Clearly, if the ensembles X and Y are statistically close, then they are also polynomial-
time-indistinguishable (see Exercise 6). The converse, however, is not true. In particular:
Proposition 3.2.3: There exists an ensemble X ={ X n } n ∈N such that X is not
statistically close to the uniform ensemble U
U n } n ∈N , and yet X and U are
polynomial-time-indistinguishable. Furthermore, X n assigns all its probability
mass to at most 2 n / 2 strings (of length n).
Recall that U n is uniformly distributed over strings of length n . Although X and U are
polynomial-time-indistinguishable, one can define a function f : { 0 , 1 } →{ 0 , 1 } such
that f has average 1 over X while having average almost 0 over U (e.g., f ( x ) = 1if
and only if
[ X = x ] > 0). Hence, X and U have different “profiles” with respect to
the function f , yet it is (necessarily) impossible to compute f in polynomial time.
Proof: We claim that for all sufficiently large n , there exists a random variable
X n , distributed over some set of at most 2 n / 2 strings (each of length n ), such that
for every circuit C n of size (i.e., number of gates) 2 n / 8 , it holds that
[ C n ( X n ) = 1] | < 2 n / 8
| Pr
[ C n ( U n ) = 1] Pr
The proposition follows from this claim, because polynomial-time-distinguishers
(even probabilistic ones; see Exercise 10 (Part 1)) yield polynomial-size circuits
with at least as large a distinguishing gap.
The foregoing claim is proved using a probabilistic argument. That is, we
actually show that most distributions of a certain class can “fool” all circuits of
size 2 n / 8 . Specifically, we show that if we select uniformly a multi-set of 2 n / 2
strings in
n and let X n be uniform over this multi-set, then Eq. (3.2) holds
with overwhelmingly high probability (over the choices of the multi-set).
Let C n be some fixed circuit with n inputs, and let p n
= Pr
[ C n ( U n )
1]. We
select, independently and uniformly, 2 n / 2 strings, denoted s 1 ,...,
s 2 n / 2 ,in
n .
We define random variables
C n ( s i ); that is, these random
variables depend on the random choices of the corresponding s i 's. Using the
Chernoff bound, we get that
ζ i 's such that
ζ i =
1 ζ i
2 n / 8
2 n / 2
2 n / 2 ·
2 e 2 · 2 n / 2
(2 n / 8 ) 2
2 2 n / 4
p n
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