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the formal model. Code generation from the verified formal model is our final ob-
jective of this methodology.
4.3.7 Acceptance Testing
In the system development process, acceptance testing are used to determine if the
requirements of a specification are met. Acceptance tests represent the customer's
interests. The acceptance tests give the customer confidence that the application has
the required features and that they behave correctly. In theory when all the accep-
tance tests pass the project is done [ 32 ]. Acceptance testing in software engineering
generally involves execution of number of test cases which constitute to a particular
functionality based on the requirements specified by the user. In system engineering
process it may involve black-box testing performed on a system. It is also known
as functional testing, black-box testing, QA testing, application testing, confidence
testing, final testing, validation testing, or factory acceptance testing [ 8 ].
The dynamic development is the process to discover hidden features of the sys-
tem through applying several types of tools like formal verification, model checker
and real-time animator in the development process. This is an iterative way for ac-
quiring more requirements according to the stakeholders and to verify the correct-
ness of the system. The real-time animator based on formal methods is used here
as a prototype model in the early stage of the system development. Prototyping can
also be used for risk analysis, but the use of formal methods can improve the quality
of prototypes. After code generation, the final system can be used to verify the sys-
tem against both the informal user requirements (system testing) and the end-user
(acceptance testing).
In this proposed methodology, we have used combined approach of formal proofs
and rigorous reviews for a system development. The purpose of formal proof and
rigorous reviews is to ensure the internal consistency of the specifications at dif-
ferent levels of development, to validate the specification against user requirements
and certification standards, and to ensure that the designs and programs satisfy their
requirements specifications.
4.4 Benefits of Proposed Approach
In this methodology, we have provided an architecture to develop a critical system
(see Fig. 4.1 ). Our methodology has the potential for improving quality and increas-
ing safety for certifying the highly critical systems. Specific benefits include improv-
ing requirements, reducing error introduction, improving error detection, and reduc-
ing cost. Secondly, the proposed architecture of methodology allows us to carry out
rigorous analyses. Such analyses can verify the useful properties such as consis-
tency, deadlock-freedom, satisfaction of high level requirements, correctness of a
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