Biomedical Engineering Reference
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Ta b l e 3 . 2 List of generalised
Generalised substitution
x := E(x,t)
x :∈ E(x,t)
x :| P(x,x )
Second form of an event ( e ), when event ( e ) has not any local variable ( t ), then
an event is represented as follows:
R(x,x ) END
Third form of an event ( e ), when event ( e ) has not any guard ( G ) and local
variable ( t ), then an event is represented as follows:
BEGIN x :| R(x,x ) END
The first form for an event means that it is guarded by a guard that states the
necessary condition for this event to occur. The guard is represented by
t · G(t, x) .
It defines a possibly non-deterministic event where t represents a vector of distinct
local variables. It is also semantically equivalent to
t · (G(t, x) R(x,x ,t)) .In
the first, second and third forms, before-after predicate BA(e)(x, x ) , associated
with each event e , describes the event as a logical predicate expressing the relation-
ship linking the values of the state variables just before ( x ) and just after ( x )the
execution of event e . The third form of the event ( e ) is used for initialisation.
Generalised substitutions (see Table 3.2 ) are also borrowed from the B nota-
tion [ 2 ]. They provide a means to express changes to state variable values. The ac-
tion of an event is composed of mainly three kinds of assignments: skip (do nothing),
deterministic assignment and non-deterministic assignment. Where x is a variable,
E is an expression and P is a predicate. The value of x in each case depends on its
corresponding expression/predicate. For example, x :∈ E(x,t) , x will be assigned
as an element of E(x,t) . In the case of x :| P(x,x ) , x will be assigned as a value
satisfying the predicate P . x :| P(x,x ) is a more general substitution form of an as-
signment predicate. This should be read as x is modified in such a way that the value
of x afterwards, denoted by x , satisfies the predicate P(x,x ) , where x denotes the
new value of the vector and x denotes its old value .
3.5 Proof Obligations
Proof obligations are generated by Rodin tool [ 36 ]. Different kinds of proof obli-
gations are produced by Rodin tool that are as follows: WD (well-definedness), INV
(Invariant Preservation), GRD (Guard Strengthening), SIM (Action Simulation), FIS
(Feasibility), etc. The WD proof obligations are generated to ensure that formal pred-
icates and expressions are well defined, which covers generally axioms, invariants,
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