Biomedical Engineering Reference
In-Depth Information
10.5.11 Tenth Refinement: Assess Arrhythmias
This is the final refinement of the ECG interpretation of the system. In this refine-
ment, we introduce different kinds of tachyarrhythmias and give the protocols for
assessment as follows:
Narrow complex tachycardia: Gives the differential diagnosis of narrow QRS
complex tachycardia.
Wide complex tachycardia: Gives the differential diagnosis of wide QRS complex
inv 1 : NW _ QRS _ Tachycardia _ RT _ State
NW _ QRS _ Tachycardia _ RI
: Disease _ step 11
Misc _ Disease _ Codes _ Step 11
inv 2
inv 3
: Sinus = Ye s Disease _ step 11
Ventricular _ Premature _ Beats, Nodal _ Premature _ Beats,
Bradyarrhythmias, Narrow _ QRS _ Tachycardias,
Wide _ QRS _ Tachycardias, Atrial _ Premature _ Beats
Heart _ State
inv 4
Ye s
Distease _ step 11_ NW _ QRST
Sinus _ Tachycardia, Supraventricular _ Tachycardia,
WPW _ Syndrome _ Orthodromic, Torsades _ de _ pointes,
Atrial _ Tachycardia, AF _ Fixed _ AV _ Conduction, AV N R T ,
Ventricular _ Tachycardia, WPW _ Syndrome _ Antidromic,
AF _ Variable _ AV _ Conduction _ BBB _ WPW _ Synd _ Anti,
AF _ BBB _ WPW _ Synd _ Antidromic
Heart _ State
inv 5
Ye s
Distease _ step 11_ NW _ QRST
AF _ Variable _ AV _ Conduction, AV N R T ,
AT _ Paroxysmal _ NParoxysmal, AT _ Variable _ AV _ Block,
AF _ Fixed _ AV _ Conduction, WPW _ Syndrome _ OCMT,
Sinus _ Tachycardia, Multifocal _ Atrial _ Tachycardia,
Atrail _ Fibrillation }
Heart _ State = KO
inv 6 : NW _ QRS _ Tachycardia _ RT _ State = Regular
Distease _ step 11_ NW _ QRST ∈{ Sinus _ Tachycardia,
WPW _ Syndrome _ OCMT, AF _ Fixed _ AV _ Conduction,
AV N R T , AT _ Paroxysmal _ NParoxysmal }
Heart _ State = KO
inv 7
NW _ QRS _ Tachycardia _ RT _ State
Distease _ step 11_ NW _ QRST
Atrail _ Fibrillation,
AT _ Variable _ AV _ Block, AF _ Variable _ AV _ Conduction,
Multifocal _ Atrial _ Tachycardia
Heart _ State
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