Biomedical Engineering Reference
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C , and C ++
const long int ARR
C #
Event - B
new long
1 .. 10
→ N
static final [] long
new long [ 11 ];
The Function Type
The links between Event-B function and target programming language function is
also very ambiguous. The Event-B functions are generated explicitly into a target
language code, and function definitions are placed in the corresponding source
file. The translation tools only supports total function of Event-B into equiva-
lent corresponding target programming language function. However, it is an easy
way to do a semantical correspondence between function passing parameters in a
target programming language is equivalent to the elements of left side of the to-
tal functions symbol (
) and output of a target programming language function
corresponds to the right-hand side of the total functions symbol (
) in Event-B.
So, this step of function translation generates a function structure into a target
programming language (see Tables 7.2 , 7.3 ).
C , and C ++
unsigned long int (unsigned long int arg 1 ,
unsigned long int arg 2 )
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Event - B
∈ N × N → N
public long (long arg 1 , long arg 2 )
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return ;
The Set Type
The translation tool is a set of plug-ins, in which C++, Java and C# languages
plug-ins can support Sets formal notation for translation. The Event-B sets type
is translated into a programming language using the standard template library
(STL) in C++, advanced Java class utilities in Java and Generic Collection of
.NET Framework in C#. We have developed some functions with the help of
existing library functions in C++, Java and C#, which are equivalent to Event-B
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