Agriculture Reference
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This pest, common only on sandy soils, damages the root systems and causes
stunting of the plants. Two nematodes, the root-knot nematode ( Meloidogyne
incognita ) and reniform nematode ( Rotylenchulus reniformis ), are the major
problems .
Weed management
Hand weeding, especially around young seedlings, mowing and mulching
are often used for weed control. Plastic mulch is very ef ective against annual
broadleaved weeds but inef ective against perennial grasses or sedges. Post-
emergence herbicides such as glyphosate are currently widely used. Glyphosate
is ef ective for a wide spectrum of weed species, and as a systemic herbicide its
ef ects are not visible for a number of days. A common practice in some areas
is to interplant papaya orchards with tree crops that later become the principal
crop. Herbicides selected for the principal crop must also be compatible with
papaya and registered for use for both crops.
Orchard protection
Papayas develop extensive root systems but are vulnerable to strong winds,
especially when accompanied by rain. Windbreaks of appropriate shrubs or
small trees planted close together across prevailing wind directions can protect
the trees from severe damage. Selection of windbreak plants is best left to those
with local experience of the region.
Harvesting is easy when fruits can be reached by hand; as trees become
taller some form of harvesting aid, such as poles and ladders, must be used.
In Hawaii, most growers use a rubber cup or chisel-shaped metal tool with a
'V' attached to a long pole, which is placed against the bottom of the fruit or
against the peduncle and pushed upwards, snapping the fruit at the peduncle.
The falling fruit is caught by the picker with the other hand or removed from
the cup. The harvested fruits are accumulated in a bucket, tray or cloth
picking bag. These methods are possible only with the small 'Solo' fruit. When
the container is full, it is emptied into padded or lined bins left on fi eld roads.
An experienced harvester can harvest from 360 to 450 kg per 8-h day. Various
hydraulically operated mechanical harvesting aids, such as mobile platforms,
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