Agriculture Reference
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Fig. 9.5. Leaf, fl ower and fruit of Dimocarpus longan . (a) female fl ower with two
carpels and a bilobed stigma and stamens on short fi laments, which do not dehisce,
and (b) male fl ower showing eight hairy stamens with bilobed anthers (from
Nakasone and Paull 1998).
of sex type may be related to temperature, with lower temperatures leading to
a higher percentage of Type II fl owers.
Longan fl owers are small, greenish-yellow to brownish, and self-
compatible with fi ve sepals and fi ve petals. Longan has the same three dif erent
fl ower types as in litchi: staminate fl ower (Type I), hermaphrodite fl ower
functionally as 'female' (Type II) and hermaphrodite fl ower functionally as
'male.' Longan shows a similar progression of fl ower types under normal
conditions: fi rst functionally male, then hermaphrodite and fi nally male.
However, the Type II may bloom fi rst under some cultural management
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