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of intention and motivation for action is sound and with certain stability (Ajzen). Intention
may not proceed toward action simply because an individual experiences a change in in-
tention. Although intention has a cognitive foundation, with limited opportunity to practice
one may forget the newly formed intention. Ajzen provided the example of seat belt use.
Unforeseen negative consequences may have arisen since forming the original intention.
When considering subjective norms, individuals may not anticipate widespread negative
reactions from significant others. Perceived developmental behavioral control changes with
lack of willpower or determination and if the developmental behavior is more difficult than
anticipated (Ajzen 2002). Bamberg, Ajzen, and Schmidt (2003) considered intention the
precursor of developmental behavior; however, because of difficulties in the execution of
many intended developmental behaviors, limited volitional control exists. Thus, it is useful
to consider perceived developmental behavioral control in addition to intention (Bamberg
et al.).
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