Digital Signal Processing Reference
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We would like to generate samples from a circular generalized Gaussian dis-
tribution (GGD)—also called the exponential power distribution. We can use the
procedure given in [57] to generate GGD samples with shape parameter c and
scaling s using the expression [ gamrnd (1 / 2c, s )] 1 / 2 c where the MATLAB
( function gamrnd generates samples from a gamma
distribution with shape parameter 1 / 2 c and scale parameter s .
Explain why using this procedure directly to generate samples for the magni-
tude, r , will not produce samples with the same shape parameter as the bivariate
case. How can you modify the expression [ gamrnd (1 / 2 c , s )] 1 / 2 c so that the
resulting samples will be circular-distributed GGDs with the shape parameter
c when the expression given in (1.74) is used.
Hint: A simple way to check for the form of the resulting probability
density function is to consider the case c ¼ 1, that is, to consider the Gaussian
special case.
1.4 Using the two mappings given in Proposition 1, Eqs. (1.25) and (1.26), and real-
valued conjugate gradient algorithm given in Section 1.3.1, derive the complex
conjugate gradient algorithm which is stated in Section 1.3.4.
N notation by
1.5 Write the widely linear estimate given in (1.37) using the C
v 1
v 2
v ¼
and show that the optimum widely linear vector estimates can be written as
v 1,opt ¼ [ CPC P ] 1 [ pPC q ]
v 2,opt ¼ [ C P C 1 P ] 1 [ q P C 1 p ]
N , where ( . ) 2 is the complex conjugate of the inverse.
Use the forms given above for v 1, opt and v 2, opt to show that the mean-square
error between a widely linear and linear filter J diff is given by the expression
in (1.38).
in C
1.6 Given a finite impulse response system with the impulse response vector w opt
with coefficients w opt, n for n ¼ 1, ... , N .
Show that, if the desired response is written as
d ( n ) ¼ w opt x ( n ) þ v ( n )
where x ( n ) ¼ [ x ( n ) x ( n 1) x ( N 1)] T and both the input x ( n ) and the noise
term v ( n ) are zero mean and x ( n ) is uncorrelated with both v ( n ) and v ( n ), then
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