Digital Signal Processing Reference
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Convergence and Performance Analysis of Oja's
Algorithm Consider now Oja's algorithm (4.30) described in Subsection 4.5.1.
A difficulty arises in the study of the behavior of W ( k ) because the set of orthonormal
bases of the r -dominant subspace forms a continuum of attractors: the column vectors
of W ( k ) do not tend in general to the eigenvectors u 1 , ... , u r , and we have no proof of
convergence of W ( k ) to a particular orthonormal basis of their span. Thus, considering
the asymptotic distribution of W ( k ) is meaningless. To solve this problem, in the same
way as Williams [78] did when he studied the stability of the estimated projection
matrix P ( k ) ¼
W ( k ) W T ( k ) in the dynamics induced by Oja's learning equation
dW ( t )
dt ¼ [ I n W ( t ) W ( t ) T ] CW ( t ), viz
dP ( t )
dt ¼ [ I n P ( t )] CP ( t ) þP ( t ) C [ I n P ( t )]
(4 : 78)
def W ( k ) W T ( k ) whose dynamics are
we consider the trajectory of the matrix P ( k ) ¼
governed by the stochastic equation
P ( k þ 1) ¼ P ( k ) þm k f [ P ( k ), x ( k ) x T ( k )] þm k h [ P ( k ), x ( k ) x T ( k )]
(4 : 79)
def ( I n P ) CPC ( I n P ). A
remarkable feature of (4.79) is that the field f and the complementary term h depend
only on P ( k ) and not on W ( k ). This fortunate circumstance makes it possible to
study the evolution of P ( k ) without determining the evolution of the underlying
matrix W ( k ). The characteristics of P ( k ) are indeed the most interesting since they
completely characterize the estimated subspace. Since (4.78) has a unique global
asymptotically stable point P ¼ P s [69], we can conjecture from the stochastic
approximation theory [13, 44] that (4.79) converges almost surely to P . And conse-
quently the estimate W ( k ) given by (4.30) converges almost surely to the signal sub-
space in the meaning recalled in Subsection 4.2.4.
To evaluate the asymptotic distributions of the subspace projection matrix esti-
mator given by (4.79), we must adapt the results of Subsection 4.7.2 because the
parameter P ( k ) is here a n n rank- r symmetric matrix. Furthermore, we note that
some eigenvalues of the derivative of the mean field f ( P ) ¼ E[ f ( P , x ( k ) x T ( k ))]
are positive real. To overcome this difficulty, let us now consider the following
parametrization of P ( k ) in a neighborhood of P introduced in [24, 25].
If { u ij ( P ) j 1 i j n } are the coordinates of P 2 P in the orthonormal basis
( S i , j ) 1 ijn defined by
with f ( P , C ) ¼
( I n P ) CPþPC ( I n P ) and h ( P , C ) ¼
u i u i
i ¼ j
u i u j þ u j u i
S i , j ¼
i , j
def Tr( A T B ), then,
with the inner product under consideration is ( A , B ) ¼
P ¼ P þ X
1 i , jn
u ij ( P ) S i , j
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