Digital Signal Processing Reference
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presented in [18], that it is not necessary to have W (0) orthogonal to ensure the
convergence, since the MALASE algorithm steers W ( k ) towards the manifold of
orthogonal matrices. The MALASE algorithm seems to involve high computational
cost, due to the matrix exponential that applies in (4.67). However, since
exp{ m k [ L 1 ( k ) y ( k ) y T ( k ) y ( k ) y T ( k ) L 1 ( k )]} is the exponential of a sum of two
rank-one matrices, the calculation of this matrix requires only O ( n 2 ) operations
[18]. Originally, this algorithm which updates the EVD of the covariance matrix
C x ( k ) can be modified by a simple preprocessing to estimate the principal or minor
r signal eigenvectors only, when the remaining n 2 r eigenvectors are associated
with a common eigenvalue s 2 ( k ) (see Subsection 4.3.1). This algorithm, denoted
MALASE( r ) requires O ( nr ) operations by iteration. Finally, note that a theoretical
analysis of convergence has been presented in [18]. It is proved that in stationary
environments, the stationary stable points of the algorithm (4.66), (4.67) correspond
to the EVD of C x . Furthermore, the covariance of the asymptotic distribution of the
estimated parameters is given for Gaussian independently distributed data x ( k )
using general results of Gaussian approximation (see Subsection 4.7.2).
4.6.5 Particular Case of Second-order Stationary Data
Finally, note that for x ( k ) ¼ [ x ( k ), x ( k 1), ... , x ( k nþ 1)] T comprising of time
delayed versions of scalar valued second-order stationary data x ( k ), the covariance
matrix C x ( k ) ¼ E[ x ( k ) x T ( k )] is Toeplitz and consequently centro-symmetric. This
property occurs in important applications—temporal covariance matrices obtained
from a uniform sampling of a second-order stationary signals, and spatial covariance
matrices issued from uncorrelated and band-limited sources observed on a centro-
symmetric sensor array (e.g. on uniform linear arrays). This centro-symmetric
structure of C x allows us to use for real-valued data, the property 9 [14] that its EVD
can be obtained from two orthonormal eigenbases of half-size real symmetric
matrices. For example if n is even, C x can be partitioned as follows
C 2
C 1
C x ¼
C 2
JC 1 J
where J is a n / 2 n / 2 matrix with ones on its antidiagonal and zeroes elsewhere.
Then, the n unit 2-norm eigenvectors v i of C x are given by n / 2 symmetric and n / 2
where 1 i ¼+ 1, respectively issued from
u i
1 i Ju i
skew symmetric vectors v i ¼
the unit 2-norm eigenvectors u i of C 1 þ1 i JC 2 ¼
2 E{[ x 0 ( k ) þ1 i Jx 00 ( k )][ x 0 ( k ) þ
1 i Jx 00 ( k )] T } with x ( k ) ¼ [ x 0T ( k ), x 00T ( k )] T . This property has been exploited [23, 26]
9 Note that for Hermitian centro-symmetric covariance matrices, such property does not extend. But any
eigenvector v i satisfies the relation [ v i ] k ¼ e if i [ v i ] nk , that can be used to reduce the computational cost
by a factor of two.
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