Digital Signal Processing Reference
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transforms. Note, that by proving a recursion of the distance to orthonormality
kW T ( k ) W ( k ) I r k
Fro from a nonorthogonal matrix W (0), it has been shown in
[10], that the latter algorithm is numerically stable in contrast to the former.
Instead of deriving a stochastic approximation algorithm from a specific ortho-
normalization matrix G ( k þ 1), an analogy with Oja's algorithm (4.30) has been
used in [54] to derive the following algorithm
W ( k þ 1) ¼W ( k ) + m k [ x ( k ) x T ( k ) W ( k )
W ( k ) VW T ( k ) x ( k ) x T ( k ) W ( k ) V 1 ] :
(4 : 54)
It has been proved in [55], that for tracking the dominant eigenvectors (i.e. with the
sign þ ), the eigenvectors f+u 1 , ... , +u r g are the only locally asymptotically stable
points of the ODE associated with (4.54). But to the best of our knowledge, no com-
plete theoretical performance analysis of these three algorithms (4.52), (4.53), and
(4.54), has been carried out until now, except in [27] which gives the asymptotic
distribution of the estimated principal eigenvectors.
If now the matrix G ( k þ 1) performs the Gram-Schmidt orthonormalization on the
columns of W 0 ( k þ 1), an algorithm, denoted stochastic gradient ascent (SGA) algor-
ithm, is obtained if the successive columns of matrix W ( k þ 1) are expanded, assum-
ing m k is sufficiently small. By omitting the O ( m k ) term in this expansion [51], we
obtain the following algorithm
w j ( k ) w j ( k )
w i ( k þ 1) ¼ w i ( k ) þa i m k I n w i ( k ) w i ( k ) X
i 1
a j
a i
1 þ
x ( k ) x T ( k ) w i ( k )
for i ¼ 1, ... , r
(4 : 55)
where here V ¼ Diag( a 1 , a 2 , ... , a r ) with a i arbitrary strictly positive numbers.
The so called generalized Hebbian algorithm (GHA) is derived from Oja's algor-
ithm (4.30) by replacing the matrix W T ( k ) x ( k ) x T ( k ) W ( k ) of Oja's algorithm by its
diagonal and superdiagonal only
W ( k þ 1) ¼W ( k ) þm k { x ( k ) x T ( k ) W ( k ) W ( k )upper[ W T ( k ) x ( k ) x T ( k ) W ( k )]}
in which the operator upper sets all subdiagonal elements of a matrix to zero. When
written columnwise, this algorithm is similar to the SGA algorithm (4.57) where
a i ¼ 1, i ¼ 1, ... , r , with the difference that there is no coefficient 2 in the sum
# x ( k ) x T ( k ) w i ( k )
w i ( k þ 1) ¼ w i ( i ) þm k I n X
w j ( k ) w j ( k )
for i ¼ 1, ... , r:
(4 : 56)
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