Digital Signal Processing Reference
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def bW 0T ( k ) x ( k ), which implies (see Exercise 4.9) the following recursions
with z ( k ) ¼
b [ I n t 1 e 1 e 1 t 2 e 2 e 2 ] G ( k )
G ( k þ 1) ¼
(4 : 41)
W ( k þ 1) ¼W ( k )[ I n t 1 e 1 e 1 t 2 e 2 e 2 ]
b x ( k ) y T ( k ) G T ( k )[ I n t 1 e 1 e 1 t 2 e 2 e 2 ]
(4 : 42)
where t 1 , t 2 and e 1 , e 2 are defined in Exercise 4.9.
Note that the square root inverse matrix G ( k þ 1) of W 0T ( k þ 1) W 0 ( k þ 1) is asym-
metric even if G (0) is symmetric. Expressions (4.41) and (4.42) provide an algorithm
which does not involve any matrix-matrix multiplications and in fact requires only
O ( nr ) operations.
Based on the approximation that W ( k ) and W ( k þ 1) span the same r -dimensional
subspace, another power-based algorithm referred to as the approximated power iter-
ation (API) algorithm and its fast implementation (FAPI) have been proposed in [8].
Compared to the NP3 algorithm, this scheme has the advantage that it can handle the
exponential (4.19) or the sliding windowed (4.22) estimates of C x ( k ) in the same fra-
mework (and with the same complexity of O ( nr ) operations) by writing (4.19) and
(4.22) in the form
C ( k ) ¼ bC ( k 1) þx 0 ( k ) Jx 0T ( k )
0 b l
with J ¼ 1 and x 0 ( k ) ¼ x ( k ) for the exponential window and J ¼
x 0 ( k ) ¼ [ x ( k ), x ( k 2 l )] for the sliding window [see (4.22)]. Among the power-based
minor subspace tracking methods issued from the exponential of sliding window,
this FAPI algorithm has been considered by many practitioners (e.g. [11]) as outper-
forming the other algorithms having the same computational complexity.
4.5.2 Projection Approximation-based Methods
Since (4.14) describes an unconstrained cost function to be minimized, it is straight-
forward to apply the gradient-descent technique for dominant subspace tracking.
Using expression (4.90) of the gradient given in Exercise 4.7 with the estimate
x ( k ) x T ( k )of C x ( k ) gives
W ( k þ 1) ¼W ( k ) m k [ 2 x ( k ) x T ( k ) þx ( k ) x T ( k ) W ( k ) W T ( k )
þW ( k ) W T ( k ) x ( k ) x T ( k )] W ( k ) :
(4 : 43)
We note that this algorithm can be linked to Oja's algorithm (4.30). First, the term
between brackets
the term x ( k ) x T ( k ) þW ( k ) W T
is the symmetrization of
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