Digital Signal Processing Reference
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of the columns of W ( k ). To remedy this instability, another implementation of this
algorithm based on the numerically well behaved Householder transform has been
proposed [6]. This Householder FRANS algorithm (HFRANS) comes from (4.36)
which can be rewritten after cumbersome manipulations as
W ( k þ 1) ¼H ( k ) W ( k ) with H ( k ) ¼ I n 2 u ( k ) u T ( k )
def p ( k )
kp ( k ) k 2 . With no additional numerical complexity, this Householder
transform allows one to stabilize the noise subspace version of the FRANS algorithm. 6
The interested reader may refer to [75] that analyzes the orthonormal error propagation
[i.e., a recursion of the distance to orthonormality kW T ( k ) W ( k ) I r k
with u ( k ) ¼
Fro from a
nonorthogonal matrix W (0)] in the FRANS and HFRANS algorithms.
Another solution to orthonormalize the columns of W 0 ( k þ 1) has been proposed
in [29, 30]. It consists of two steps. The first one orthogonalizes these columns
using a matrix G ( k þ 1) to give W 00 ( k þ 1) ¼ W 0 ( k þ 1) G ( k þ 1), and the second
one normalizes the columns of W 00 ( k þ 1). To find such a matrix G ( k þ 1) which is
of course not unique, notice that if G ( k þ 1) is an orthogonal matrix having as first
column, the vector y ( k )
ky ( k ) k 2 with the remaining r 2 1 columns completing an orthonor-
mal basis, then using (4.33), the product W 00T ( k þ 1) W 00 ( k þ 1) becomes the follow-
ing diagonal matrix
W 00T ( k þ 1) W 00 ( k þ 1) ¼G T ( k þ 1)[ I r þd k y ( k ) y T ( k )] G ( k þ 1)
2 e 1 e 1
¼ I r þd k ky ( k ) k
[0, ... ,0] T . It is fortunate that there exists
such an orthonogonal matrix G ( k þ 1) with the desired properties known as a
Householder reflector [35, Chap. 5], and can be very easily generated since it is of
the form
2 and e 1 ¼
where d k ¼
+ 2 m k þm k kx ( k ) k
ka ( k ) k
2 a ( k ) a T ( k ) with a ( k ) ¼ y ( k ) ky ( k ) ke 1 :
G ( k þ 1) ¼ I r
(4 : 37)
This gives the Fast Data Projection Method (FDPM)
W ( k þ 1) ¼ Normalize{[ W ( k ) + m k x ( k ) x T ( k ) W ( k )] G ( k þ 1)},
(4 : 38)
where Normalize fW 00 (k þ 1) g stands for normalization of the columns of W 00 ( k þ 1),
and G ( k þ 1) is the Householder transform given by (4.37). Using the independence
assumption [36, Chap. 9.4] and the approximation m k 1, a simplistic theoretical
6 However, if one looks very carefully at the simulation graphs representing the orthonormality error [75,
Fig. 7], it is easy to realize that the HFRANS algorithm exhibits a slight linear instability.
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