Digital Signal Processing Reference
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evaluated for the received vector y . Note that we drop the term Pr( y ) in the final line
since it does not vary with our hypothesis for d . The computational complexity of cal-
culating these marginals would appear to be O (2 N ), but given that y is obtained from d
via a convolution, the complexity will decrease to a number linear in n if we use trellis
decoding, to be illustrated in Section 3.5. As it turns out, the complexity reduction will
be successful provided the a priori probability mass function Pr( d ) factors into the
product of its marginals
Pr( d ) ¼ Y
Pr( d i ) :
This factorization is, strictly speaking, incorrect, since the variables d i are derived by
interleaving the output from an error correction code, which imparts redundancy
among its elements for error control purposes. This factorization, by contrast, treats
the d i as a priori independent variables. Nonetheless, if we turn a blind eye to this
shortcoming in the name of efficiency, the term Pr( d ) will contribute a factor
Pr( d i ) to each term of the sum in (3.2), so that we may rewrite the a posteriori
probabilities as
Pr( d i jy ) / Pr( d i ) X
d j , j = i
Pr( yjd ) Y
l = i
Pr( d l )
| {z }
extrinsic probability
i ¼ 1, 2, ... , N:
This extrinsic probability for symbol i is so named because it is seen to depend on
symbols other than d i [although d i still enters in via the likelihood function
Pr( yjd )], in contrast to the first term Pr( d i ) which depends only on d i . As this variable
will appear frequently, we denote it as
T i ( d i ) 4 X
d j , j = i
Pr( yjd ) Y
l = i
Pr( d l ),
i ¼ 1, 2, ... , N
where the scale factor d is chosen so that evaluations sum to one: T i ( 2 1) þT i (1) ¼ 1.
Observe that, due to the summing operation on the right-hand side, the function T i ( . )
behaves as a type of marginal probability, dependent on the sole bit d i .
Now, the outer decoder aims to infer the bits contained in c from the symbols con-
tained in d , according to
Pr( c j jd ) ¼ X
c i , i
Pr( cjd )
Pr( djc )Pr( c ) :
c i , i = j
If the information bits c 1 , ... , c K are each equiprobable, then the a priori probability
function Pr( c ) ¼ Pr( c 1 , ... , c K , c 1 , ... , c N ) behaves as a scaled indicator function
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