Digital Signal Processing Reference
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where a i denotes the i th component of the array response a . An informative picture
on the effect of contamination t 1 ¼ u 1 þ j v 1 on w w is obtained by the surface plot
of the norm of the empirical influence function k EIF( t ; w w , Z n k ) with respect to
v 1 and v 1 . The EIFs in Figure 2.9 are averages over 100 realizations. Sample lengths
are n ¼ 50, 500, 1 , where the surface plots under n ¼1 correspond to the asymp-
totic value k IF( t , w w , F 4 ) k . As expected, we observe that when the sample size
grows (from n ¼ 50 to n ¼ 500), the calculated EIF surfaces more accurately
resemble the corresponding theoretical IF surface. However, at the small sample
size ( n ¼ 50), the relative influence of an additional observation on the estimator
is a bit larger than that the IF would indicate. The surface plots neatly demonstrate
the nonrobustness of the conventional MVDR beamformer for both the finite and
large sample cases: outlying points with large values of u 1 and / or v 1 have bounded
influence in the cases of HUB(0.9) or MLT(1) but large and unbounded influence
when the conventional SCM is employed.
Efficiency Study Using the IF of w w ( ) (cf. Theorem 4) and equations (2.19) and
(2.20) as the definitions for the asymptotic covariance matrix and pseudo-covariance
matrix of the estimator, the next theorem was proved in [48].
Theorem 5 With the notations as in Theorem 4, the asymptotic covariance matrix of
the estimated w-MVDR weight w w when sampling from F S ¼ CE k ( S , g ) is
ASC( w w ; F S ) ¼ l w ( Gww H )
E [ w 2 ( d = s w )( d = s w ) 2 ]
k ( k þ 1)(1 þc w ) 2
l w ¼
The asymptotic pseudo-covariance matrix of w w vanishes, that is, ASP( w w ; F S ) ¼ 0 .
Note that the ASC of w w depends on the selected M -estimator and on the functional
form of the CES distribution F S only via the real-valued positive multiplicative con-
stant l w . (Observe that the matrix term Gww H does not depend on the choice of w
and on F S only via S .) Hence comparisons of this single scalar index is needed only. It
is a surprising result that ASP vanishes, which means that w w has asymptotic circular
CN distribution.
Note also that ASC( w w ; F S ) is singular and of rank k 1 (since the nullspace of
Gww H has dimension 1 due to MVDR constraint w H a ¼ 1, so ( Gww H ) a ¼ 0).
Thus the asymptotic CN distribution of w w is singular. This is an expected result
since singular distributions commonly arise in constrained parameter estimation
problems, where the constraint imposes a certain degree of deterministicity to the
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