Digital Signal Processing Reference
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reliably only for 2, that is, the Gaussian case. However, the robust M -estimator is
able to estimate the number of sources reliably for large range of a -values. Among the
robust M -estimators, MLT(1) has the best performance.
2.6.4 Subspace DOA Estimation for Noncircular Sources
We now describe the Root-MUSIC-like method presented in [13]. As usual, assume
that the signal s and noise n in the array model (2.1) are uncorrelated with zero-
mean. The method further requires the following additional assumptions.
(1) The array is ULA (in order to facilitate using polynomial rooting).
(2) Noise n is second-order circular and spatially white, that is C ( n ) ¼ s 2 I and
P ( n ) ¼ 0.
(3) Sources signals s i , i ¼ 1, ... , d are uncorrelated in the sense that C ( s ) ¼
diag( s 2 ( s i )) and P ( s ) ¼ diag( t ( s i )).
Under these assumptions,
C ( z ) ¼ AC ( s ) A H
þs 2 I , P ( z ) ¼ AP ( s ) A T
where as earlier A ¼ A ( u ) denotes the array response matrix. Further assume
(4) P ( s ) ¼C ( s ) F , where diag( e jf i ).
Assumption (4) means that the circularity coefficient of the sources are equal to unity,
that is, l ( s i ) ¼ 1 for i ¼ 1, ... , d , which by (2.3) implies that transmitted source signal
s i must be real-valued, such as AM or BPSK modulated signals, or the real part Re( s i )
of the transmitted signal is a linear function of the imaginary part Im( s i ). If (1)-(4)
hold, then the covariance matrix for the augmented signal vector z is
C ( s )
þs 2 I:
C ( z ) ¼
(2 : 34)
Now by performing eigenvalue decomposition C ( z ) we may find d dimensional signal
subspace and 2 k d dimensional orthogonal noise subspace. Thus Root-MUSIC-like
direction finding algorithms can be designed; see [13] for details. By exploiting the
noncircularity property we obtain extra degrees of freedom since noncircularity
allows resolving more sources than sensors. Again, in the face heavy-tailed noise
or outlying observations, a robust estimate of the array covariance matrix C ( z ) and
pseudo-covariance matrix P ( z ) can be used instead of the conventional estimators,
C and P . We wish to point out, however, that the four assumptions stated above are
not necessary for all subspace DOA estimation methods for noncircular sources; see
for example, [1].
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